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 Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7587
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2008

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Empty
MessageSujet: Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]   Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Icon_minipostMar 14 Aoû 2018, 20:07

Alors déjà, explication sur les acronymes du titre : c'est du TNG post-Nemesis, et ce roman suit Hearts and Minds (de Dayton Ward en 2017) et Control, un roman DSN de la série "Section 31" (écrit par David Mack la même année).

Celui-ci, Available Light, donc, sera lui aussi écrit par Dayton Ward et sortira en avril 2019.

Et parce que ce soir aussi je suis feignant, je vous livre le synopsis... en anglais !

Citation :
As fallout from the exposure of the “Control” AI security program and the unchecked crimes of Section 31 spans the entire Alpha Quadrant and ultimately reaches the halls of Starfleet Command, the admiralty must decide what the consequences will be for their own… including Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who helped bring down a Federation president and violated the principles of his oath. Meanwhile, deep in the unexplored section of space known as the Odyssean Pass, Picard and the Enterprise crew must put aside personal feelings on the matter and distant political concerns as they investigate the mystery a centuries-old massive spacecraft adrift in the void and under attack from marauders looking to claim the ship for themselves—and armed with weapons that are evenly matched with Starfleet’s finest…

Visiblement, il vaudra mieux avoir lu les deux romans précédents pour bien apprécier celui-là.

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Capitaine de flotte
Capitaine de flotte

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2040
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]   Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Icon_minipostMer 15 Aoû 2018, 14:07

je suis de ton avis Minos. Intéressant mais un peu incompréhensible, si on a pas lu les deux romans précédents (c'est un peu dommage).
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7587
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2008

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]   Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Icon_minipostDim 30 Sep 2018, 07:22

La couverture est désormais visible.

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Aivalablelight

Et vu que je suis encore feignant ce matin, voilà le nouveau synopsis dévoilé... en anglais :

Section 31, the covert organization which has operated without accountability in the shadows for more than two centuries, has been exposed. Throughout the Federation, the rogue group’s agents and leaders are being taken into custody as the sheer scope of its misdeeds comes to light. Now Starfleet Command must decide the consequences for numerous officers caught up in the scandal — including Admirals William Ross, Edward Jellico, Alynna Nechayev, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard who, along with many others, are implicated in the forced removal of a Federation president.

Meanwhile, deep in the distant, unexplored region of space known as the Odyssean Pass, Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise must put aside personal feelings and political concerns as they investigate a massive mysterious spacecraft. Adrift for centuries in the void, the ship is vital to the survival of an endangered civilization which has spent generations searching for a world to sustain what remains of its people. Complicating matters is a band of marauders who have their own designs on the ancient ship, with only the Enterprise standing in their way....

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Capitaine de flotte
Capitaine de flotte

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2040
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]   Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Icon_minipostMar 02 Oct 2018, 14:21

Voilà qui éveille ma curiosité dac
La Section 31...un mystérieux vaisseau...
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7587
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2008

Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]   Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019] Icon_minipostVen 07 Juin 2019, 20:18

Et ça y est, le livre est sorti, que ce soit en papier, audiobook ou Kindle.

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Available Light [TNG post-NEM;2019]

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